Complete the following form to Create your Android App
Type your Message to below which you want to send in push notification
To publish the Android app on the Play Store, follow the steps given below:
1.Download App Bundle (.aab), you have created.
2.Log in to Google Play Console, or Create a developer account (Note: You need to make a payment of $25).
3. When you get in to the developer account page, Select All apps and click on Create app.
4.Follow the on-screen instructions to to create your app i.e. Enter the App name and select a Default language, Specify whether your application is an app or a game, Free or Paid etc. and click Create app.
5. Provide information about your app and set up your store listing i.e. Update the App access details,Answer a questionnaire, add Privacy Policy, Select an app category, update the Graphics elements of your app etc. and click on Save.
6. Under Release, select Production.
7. Select the Countries in which you want the app to be available.
8. As your app is already signed, don't opt-in for Play App signing and click Continue.
9. Upload the .aab file that you have downloaded .
10. Enter the Release name under Release Details and Release notes and click Review release.
There might be warnings, minor issues, or a combination of the two, but you can still publish your app.
11. Click Start rollout to production.
12. Click Rollout to confirm. This will publish your app to all Google Play users in the countries you selected.